Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday - What I'm reading!

I'm joining The Book Date in this meme.
I've been reading the same book for a while now, but I am loving it!

What I'm reading:

Eye of the World by Robert Jordan
My mom recommended this to me, and I love it. I don't know why I haven't read it before now! But that's ok. I'm making my way, I'm about 500 pages into this 813 page book, and all I want to do is read it.

Recently Finished: 

My Review
Review to come

Next Up:


Me Before You - I've been waiting patiently for my turn in line for the ebook through the library system.
The Serpent King -I've been seeing some amazing reviews about this one. Also, it sounds very similar to a news piece I read some time back, about something like this happening in my state.. Tennessee. I'm definitely intrigued!!

What are you currently reading and what is next for you? Make sure you link up!

Personal: My 30 Day Commitment

Greetings friends!
I'm just posting a quick personal note.... My blood pressure has been through the roof for a couple weeks now. So I'm committing to 3 things for 30 days. I need people to help keep me accountable. Will you join me? Will you help? Comment,  message me, find me on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram... But I've got to do this, for my own health.

1. The DASH Diet
2. Daily Yoga
3. Increasing cardio

In 30 days I expect to see huge changes. But sticking with commitment is not my strong suit...  We will see. I want to stay strong this time!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

TV Review: Scorpion

I'm incredibly picky when it comes to the TV shows I allow to take up my time. And typically, when I do find a show I love, it ends up cancelled within a season or three (I'm looking at you Firefly and Veronica Mars...). We are midway through season 2 of my current favorite show and I'm keeping my hopes high for this one.

Chris and I have been watching Scorpion since the pilot episode when we met the team. Geniuses Walter, Happy, Toby, Paige and Sylvester, along with their Homeland Security buddy Cabe, all work well together as they solve crimes that seemingly no one else can solve. While it's true the cases and the way they are solved may be a little far fetched, we've come to enjoy the antics of the team. They bicker good-naturedly about their intellect, and somehow that isn't incredibly annoying.

Regardless, it's a good show. I enjoy the tech talk, the way each character's genius is portrayed. They make me laugh and this show is one that I stay current with. I love that Toby has moved beyond his American Pie character. I recommend this show to anyone who doesn't mind shows that aren't necessarily true to life, anyone who is interested in computers, hackers, or anything of the like.

Scorpion is a very hard show to review, as I'm learning. I'm going to think some more on this one, and try to describe it a little better. Stay tuned for more...

TV Review: New Girl

So, I've been watching New Girl for years now... and I've loved it. Until they made the two people with the best tension try to date (no spoilers, you know me) and it messed up the roommate dynamic completely!

Based on this, when Jess got sequestered on Jury Duty (aka Zooey's maternity leave) I made the challenging decision to stop watching New Girl. I knew I was going to miss Jess' random singing and Nick's grouchy old man personality. But it was the perfect opportunity to try to give up on the show completely! Just let it go, Holley. Let it go.

Alas, that was not to be. I had to go and add the show to my Hulu queue, and the Type A girl in me can NOT handle all these shows looking at me with notifications saying "Watch me!" So instead of just removing them, I decided to watch them while blogging and internet-ing.

I was wrong, and I'm so sorry, New Girl writers! I am not Megan Fox's biggest fan. Honestly, I'm not a fan of her at all. Regardless of the fact that we hail from the same city. I don't care. I hate her. But somehow, I have laughed harder in the last two episodes than I have in at least two seasons.

In all honesty, as weird as I feel saying this, Megan Fox is saving this show for me. She fits in well with the group. Her weirdness meshes well and somehow it has become perfect again.

So I'll be spending some time trying to catch up, which won't take me too long, and I'll check back in after this season (5) ends...

Please, New Girl writers, don't fail me again... keep doing what you're doing, and I will keep hanging in!

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Review: The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West

I'm a little behind on reviewing the books I've read so far this year. This is because I've just been devouring them as opposed to pacing myself and digesting them in a way that allows me time to blog a review before moving on to the next. I'm planning to start playing catch up now... I'm currently reading Eye of the World by Robert Jordan per recommendation by my mother who shall henceforth on this blog be referred to as Momma Pink, due to her obsession with the happiness she obtains from that color. She's an awesome momma, and I love her dearly. What was I saying? Ah yes. Eye of the World will be a long slow read - much like floating along lazily on a river, thereby allowing me to catch up on book reviews of those stories I finished quickly and ferociously like jumping off a waterfall. (Which I would never do.)

Enough with my blathering... On to the review!!

So. The Fill-In Boyfriend... It was just as cute as I expected it to be, maybe a little less so. Gia gets dumped in the parking lot at prom by her boyfriend, which sucks in and of itself [and I say this from PERSONAL experience, sadly, though mine was after prom and being the self respecting girl I was...I begged for him not to, and he actually listened...Only to permanently break up with me a few weeks later after - get this- my high school graduation. Oh, high school Holley, I'm so glad you grew up...] but anyway what sucks even more about this situation for Gia is that her friends are skeptical that this boyfriend even exists. So, she's in this impossible situation and what does she do? Finds a random guy in the parking lot and talks him into taking her to prom, thereby lying to her friends.

Ok, as I've mentioned before, I'm full blown anti-spoilers of any kind, so I'm just going to stop with the plot discussion there. Now for the critique.

Of course it was predictable. Pretty sure anyone who is into this kind of story expects a certain happy ending and would be disappointed if that ending didn't come true. I'm talking about myself in this scenario, so no judgement on my part. I guess my issue with this story was more the lying and the crappy friendship and family relationships. I know that I'm lucky enough to have the best mom I could ask for, and not everyone is so lucky, but this girl had NO relationships of any substance until this random boy she met in the parking lot comes along. No wonder she's so shallow!! I could not relate, personality wise, to the main character, really, and while I get that this was a coming of age story, I had a hard time feeling sympathetic for Gia as she grows into a decent person. The ending ties all the problems up in a pretty bow, which was nice. But well. It left a bit to be desired for me.

3 stars for this story because while I didn't love it, I didn't hate it either.

Review: Percy Jackson and the Olympians

I began reading the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series in January after following along with a PJO readathon initiated by some ladies on instagram. I had never read the series before! I don't know why they never crossed my radar in the past, but I was absolutely in love from the first page of The Lightning Thief. The four books that followed took me on adventures that helped me escape the stressful reality of my day to day life. 

Instead of reviewing each book individually, I will just talk today about the series as a whole. I've always been interested in mythology, and this was somewhat of a mini-refresher on the Greek gods and goddesses. Percy is likeable and I didn't find him annoying even as a middle schooler. Annabeth is a smart and fearless girl. She's strong and I really respected her as a character. It was great watching them grow up and grow their powers and abilities. They faced their battles while also finding themselves, as cliche as that sounds. I loved getting to know all the characters, and even the less likeable ones earn a bit of fondness (or at least some sympathy) as the story moves on. While Percy and the other Half-Bloods are progressing through each quest, they are coming to terms with their strengths and weaknesses as a single warrior and as a team. Regardless of how the group feels about each other as individuals, when push comes to shove, they are family. 

A coworker of mine mentioned that his one argument against the series is that each book kind of follows the same formula, but overall he enjoyed the whole series. He makes a point, but the predictability didn't bother me while reading. I found the storyline to be easy to follow and familiar. I read each book within just a couple of sittings, I devoured them all. The series got better and better, and I found myself looking forward to the next quest as soon as I finished the last. The fifth book, The Last Olympian, is the best story of them all.

I would recommend this series to anyone who enjoys adventure and fantasy. It was similar to the Harry Potter series in the way the series progresses. The first story written more for middle grade readers, and each of the five books progressed for each school year. 

4 stars for The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Titan's Curse, and The Battle of the Labyrinth
4.5 stars for The Last Olympian
5 stars for the series overall

Monday, January 25, 2016

Review: The Summer I Became a Nerd

Second book of 2016...

The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller.

Honestly, I was skeptical about this one. I started it, got annoyed, and set it aside. But I gave it another shot and by Chapter 6 I found it to be very cute. Then, I was all wrapped up in the story and couldn't put it aside.

My annoyance probably comes from not understanding what it's like to be ashamed of who you are. I've never been one to try to hide my interests. However, Maddie's internal conflict goes full fledged in the summer months and I was less irritated when she was no longer hiding her passions and interests.

I personally am a full fledged nerd, and dont try to hide it. Though I didnt necessarily find similarities in Maddie's personality, I still enjoyed reading her story as she learned who she is inside, and who she wants others to see.

3.5 Stars for this one.

Review: The Start of Me and You

The first book I read of 2016...

The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord. So much of what I've been through the past few years has shook me to the core. This story of loss and trying to come back from it, trying to figure out who you are... It resonated with me. I felt Paige's confusion and uncertainty. I felt her fear, and her boldness. She attempted to create new dreams and dared to be someone she had never been before.

The writing style enveloped me, I was by Paige's side through everything she experienced and learned about herself. Her girls, her best friends, they were her rock. Her family was supportive. It was so refreshing to read about a stable, "normal" teen going through something hard. She was a good person, a good friend, she tried to help her friends even though she was in her own chaos. 

I recommend this book for anyone who wants their heart to resonate, who feels like they need to heal from something, or needs to just FEEL anything. 

5 Stars for this one!!

Just a Hello!

It's been a while since I blogged! It feels good to be back. I'm looking forward to actually having the chance to read again, life has just been a little insane, but I'm working toward getting some balance back in my life. 2016 is looking like the perfect year to try.

I love to read pretty much anything. YA, historical fiction, nonfiction... If it's well written, I'll try to read it!

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