Monday, January 25, 2016

Review: The Summer I Became a Nerd

Second book of 2016...

The Summer I Became a Nerd by Leah Rae Miller.

Honestly, I was skeptical about this one. I started it, got annoyed, and set it aside. But I gave it another shot and by Chapter 6 I found it to be very cute. Then, I was all wrapped up in the story and couldn't put it aside.

My annoyance probably comes from not understanding what it's like to be ashamed of who you are. I've never been one to try to hide my interests. However, Maddie's internal conflict goes full fledged in the summer months and I was less irritated when she was no longer hiding her passions and interests.

I personally am a full fledged nerd, and dont try to hide it. Though I didnt necessarily find similarities in Maddie's personality, I still enjoyed reading her story as she learned who she is inside, and who she wants others to see.

3.5 Stars for this one.

Review: The Start of Me and You

The first book I read of 2016...

The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord. So much of what I've been through the past few years has shook me to the core. This story of loss and trying to come back from it, trying to figure out who you are... It resonated with me. I felt Paige's confusion and uncertainty. I felt her fear, and her boldness. She attempted to create new dreams and dared to be someone she had never been before.

The writing style enveloped me, I was by Paige's side through everything she experienced and learned about herself. Her girls, her best friends, they were her rock. Her family was supportive. It was so refreshing to read about a stable, "normal" teen going through something hard. She was a good person, a good friend, she tried to help her friends even though she was in her own chaos. 

I recommend this book for anyone who wants their heart to resonate, who feels like they need to heal from something, or needs to just FEEL anything. 

5 Stars for this one!!

Just a Hello!

It's been a while since I blogged! It feels good to be back. I'm looking forward to actually having the chance to read again, life has just been a little insane, but I'm working toward getting some balance back in my life. 2016 is looking like the perfect year to try.

I love to read pretty much anything. YA, historical fiction, nonfiction... If it's well written, I'll try to read it!

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